How do you turn a load of numbers and data into something that can provide interesting insights? If you use Spotify, you’ll be familiar with Spotify Wrapped. It’s a pretty fun idea: crunch the numbers on all the songs you have been listening to over the past year, pull out the headlines, and wrap it up in high-contrast visual design. It’s snappy and insightful.
We thought we would do the same with air quality data from the Breathe London network of air quality sensors. When is air quality best? And worst? How does my local node compare with the rest of London? On how many days has the WHO limit been breached?
So we put together our own Air Aware Wrapped. Please check it out and let us know what you think!

We’ve had some great feedback since we launched it last week. The most touching was that the data we’d provided had already led to someone changing the time of their commute to avoid the worst pollution. Others were impressed by the engaging design, while others loved delving into the data comparisons. We also got some great constructive feedback on how it worked on mobiles, which we’ve sought to rectify. It’s still a work in progress so feedback is really valuable!